Sunday, December 2, 2012

How are you feeling? Part 2 & Nursery Update

So a while back I had a post entitled "How are you feeling?" At that point, I was feeling somewhat guilty that so many people were asking me how I was feeling when I actually felt quite normal. Well....that was a few weeks ago. As of Friday, things became considerably different. It's like I became "officially" pregnant overnight. Friday night I had a terrible time sleeping. Until then, I'd been able to make a modified stomach position work for me. However, Friday night I think I squished all my organs by trying to make this work one more night. It's literally like I'm sleeping with a basketball strapped to my stomach. I woke up Saturday morning feeling quite crammed and uncomfortable. I thought maybe it was just my sleep position the night before, but it's still going on today so I think it's safe to say that the crammed feeling I'm feeling is just that...where oh where will my organs go?? So Saturday night we went on a quest for "The Snoogle." This pregnancy pillow is just what I needed and last night's sleep went much better. P.S. Brandon & Sam also enjoy the Snoogle:

Aside from sleep troubles and running out of space for organs, I think that mobility (I fell out of my desk chair at work trying to reach a piece of paper in the floor), hormones (I've cried three times today already), and pregnancy brain (last week I bought groceries, forgot about them, and my ice cream melted) are my other main issues (aside from the significant increase in bathroom breaks).

I really am not complaining...I'm actually quite grateful for these symptoms. They're a reminder that I am blessed enough to be sharing my body with another life. They not only give me comfort that everything is going right, but I also think they're preparing me for motherhood. I typically live my life in a fast, efficient pace. Pregnancy has caused me to slow down a little bit, think longer about things, and take more care. It's crazy how nature prepares us for motherhood: losing sleep & abundant bathroom breaks will prepare me for the long nights ahead, adjusting to being forgetful (typically not my personality at all) will help me prepare for being more forgiving with myself, and loss of mobility will help me to prepare for the first few years of life where he'll be attached to me in some way (whether it be in a Baby Bjorn or just on my hip). I may not be my old self anymore, but I'm just going to settle in and try to enjoy the upcoming 3rd trimester. 

One thing we will definitely enjoy in the 3rd trimester is putting together the rest of the nursery. Here is the newest stage:

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