Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Jones Update

Today, I am 34 weeks and 6 days. I thought it might be time for an update. I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I did in the beginning because, for now, we are pretty caught up. We finished the nursery, installed the carseat, prepared the hospital bag, and all we have to do now is...wait! While I'm glad that we did everything in advance, it sort of leaves these last few weeks feeling very slow. However, this Saturday we have our first shower and I couldn't be more excited!

Here's a shot from our maternity photo shoot...more photos to come :)

Even though I'm feeling a bit bored at this stage as far as baby preparation goes, it's probably a good thing that we did those things early. Physically things get more challenging every day. Work is going well and I have a good mix of standing and sitting, so except for walking a little slower, life at work is pretty much the same. It's home life that is a little different. Last week I tried doing some errands after work and by the time 4 o'clock hit I was literally worthless with an aching back and aching feet. If I come home after work and lay down I don't feel any pain; however, the thing about laying on the couch is that you eventually have to get off of the couch, which is proving to be the hard part. If I could just lay there without getting up often that wouldn't be so bad, but the stereotype about pregnant women going to the bathroom often is no joke. I would venture to say that I use the bathroom at least 2-3 times per hour. Sunday we saw Django Unchained and I only went to the restroom 4's almost 3 hours, so I'd say that's pretty good.

Other than tiring out at the end of the day and spending more time in the restroom than I'd like, the only other thing bothering me is sleep. I do feel a little insomnia at night; although it's not too bad yet. The worst part is rolling over, which I must do at least every hour to keep my hips from killing me (this is a new I'm not fond of). One of the strange, RARE symptoms of pregnancy that seems to be plaguing me these days is catathrenia (a.k.a. moaning in my sleep). This one is probably bothering Brandon more than me. I noticed last week that as I would fall asleep I would hum or moan. Brandon informed me last night that it's not just every now and then, it's turned into an all night every night situation. I thought this was really weird, but when I typed in "pregnancy mo..." there were several popular searches that popped up "pregnancy moaning in sleep" and other related searches. After much research, I've learned that it's no big deal and the worst part about it is the social repercussions...thank goodness I don't have any plane trips or sleepovers scheduled any time soon.

I know I wrote a while back about how I didn't want to complain any more, but it's hard to deny that my body is not my own any more and there are just things that come along with the territory (including tangly hair and stuff up sinuses). That being said, I am grateful every day for the symptoms I do not have such as swelling, widening face, itching, tummy troubles, heartburn, excessive stretchmarks, varicose veins, and bleeding gums. My symptoms are minimal and I am so thankful for that. The best "symptom" is the fetal activity I can feel. It's changed from small wooshes and I can feel him stretch all the way across, which is so neat. I can also run my hand across my stomach and feel the outlines of fingers and toes...very surreal.

Last week I visited my OB for my 34 week check up. Right now he is measuring a little on the big side, so next week we will be getting an ultrasound to check his size and position. I am certain he is sideways (a.k.a. "transverse") and that he has not dropped or turned head down, but maybe by next week he will be. I always look forward to my doctor's visits because it marks a new milestone in the pregnancy, but I'm really looking forward to next week because I'll be almost 36 weeks and I hope that we find out more about him and maybe when labor might be on the horizon...I'm hoping I don't have to go all the way until 40 weeks! Of course my main priority is a safe, healthy baby, but the anticipation is killing me!

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