Saturday, February 16, 2013

Well Rested and Nested

So last Wednesday my doctor said the baby would probably come in at least a week and even possibly within days. Well here we are 3 days later and no signs of baby yet. No contractions, no nothing. I really wanted him to come on our anniversary/Valentine's Day, but even after a vigorous walk and a spicy dinner, nothing.

I keep thinking that he's waiting on me to finish my to do list before he comes and I can respect that. So last night we finished up at Babies-R-Us and today we put things together, cleaned, and organized. There is literally NOTHING left for us to do. We are so prepared that I'm living out of my hospital bag. We both even tied up all loose ends at work on Friday. Tonight we have our Diapers & Wings shower, which we've really been looking forward to. After the completion of our final do lists and this final celebration, we are really ready.

In addition to being done with all the prep, last night we slept really great. This is a big deal because I've (I mean Brandon) been battling pregnancy induced sleep moaning and snoring. While it was cute and funny at first, Brandon has finally resorted to the guest room, but last night we actually made it the whole night together - no snoring, no moaning. On top of that great night's sleep, we both took naps today. So now, not only are we fully nested, we are fully rested.

When she told me he could possibly come as early as Wednesday night, I got really excited. However, in retrospect I'm glad I've had the past three days to finish things up. That being said, after tonight's party, I will have no objection to his arrival! Bring it on :) If he doesn't come, I'll just keep reminding myself that it's a matter of WHEN he comes, not IF he comes, so no matter what, we will settle in and wait til he's ready for his debut. Can't wait!

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