Thursday, November 15, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

So I haven't been doing my 30 things in 30 days, but there's a lot I'm thankful for. I'll go ahead and list those things all at once instead of spreading them out on facebook. They are in no particular order...
  1. Our home - I love it even more now that we've started to reevaluate, clean out, and make room for baby. I'm so thankful that at the end of a work day I have a place to go that is ours.
  2. & 3. Our neighbors - It's wonderful to have my sister and her fiance right next door. I dread the day when we are no longer neighbors. It's so nice to have her so close - not just so I can borrow milk and such, but it's nice just to be able to walk right next door and hang out with one of my best friends at a moment's notice.
  3. I'm so glad Kara found someone to share her life with. Yes, that's great for her, but (selfishly) it's also great for me and Brandon. Brandon and I were worried while Kara was dating (not only does Kara have to spend her life with whomever she marries, but so do we, haha), but we know she made a great choice and we are happy that we are going to have an awesome brother in law.
  4. Sam - Sam loves me unconditionally. I can't imagine life without him (although I'm sure our cat can).
  5. Jack - Jack's love isn't nearly as unconditional. He is annoying and badly behaved. Still, he is a great cuddler!
  6. My mother - She gave me life and she raised me well. Nothing I can say in this blog can really explain why I'm thankful for her with just a few words, but I will say that I am thankful for how she has been there through every phase in my life. I look forward to seeing her in her new role as John Mark's Mimi.
  7. Teaching - I have always been thankful that I have known just the right thing to do with my life. Teaching fits me perfectly.
  8. My Employers - My bosses at school are one of a kind - they're very special and I can't imagine working for anyone else. Being treated well by my employers is something I don't take for granted.
  9. Coworkers I love - My job wouldn't be nearly as special if I didn't have 9 wonderful team members who I see almost more than my non-work friends (or even Brandon on some days). We have a common bond in teaching, but it stretches outside of work too.
  10. Our wedding - This year we have been blessed in many ways. I am so thankful that one of the biggest days in our life went off without a hitch (well without any major ones anyway). We are thankful for our travel agent, wedding planner, and photographer who made it so easy and enjoyable!
  11. Facebook -Without it, having Tami & Mom (and many, many others) so far away would be so much harder!
  12. Apta 32 (girlfriends/roommates from college) -  Somewhere along the way it was determined that we would be the group that stuck together (it was probably at our first New Year's Eve party). I can't say (and I bet they'd agree) that has always been easy to stay close - we've all gone through different phases and things continue to change. However there's one thing that won't change and that is our history together. Only these 4 girls can reminisce about the same things as I can for the past 8+ years. Life wouldn't be nearly as fun without them :)
  13. 13's husbands - When I think back on our friendship in the beginning and all of our "romantic" drama and adventures it makes me so happy to see how we have all met our perfect matches. I am thankful for how happy my friends' husbands make them and how we've all come together to make a little hodgepodge family.
  14. Brandon - I don't have enough space to list all the things I love about Brandon, but I am incredibly grateful for his presence in my life. I am so thankful I found my perfect match.
  15. My son - Even though his presence has increased my bathroom visits, I am definitely thankful for all the little kicks and punches that remind me he is there.

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