A little disclaimer: when I started this, I really didn't know I'd go on and on about breast feeding for so long. It's still a sore subject since we didn't make it past five months (rather than the year I hoped I could go), but I guess I'm writing down the journey in case someday I want to relive it. If you're not a mom or soon to be mom, you will probably find this excruciatingly boring and possibly even confusing. Breast feeding is a world of it's own with language and a lifestyle that you can never "get" until you've been there...
From the get-go, what your baby eats is the single most important thing in your day. It rules your life. For.A.Long.Time. Your life literally revolves around when your baby eats. And since pretty much all they do is sleep when they're really young, eating becomes the primary focus of life. I was dead set on breast feeding. We attended a class and I read all about it. Free nourishment for our baby plus a higher IQ? It doesn't get much better than that. We thought.
In the beginning (I thought), things were going great. When John Mark was 2 weeks old, I headed to a breastfeeding support group. I mainly went because I needed to get out of the house and meet some other people who were in my boat. I learned he was on the low end of average for weight gain, but nonetheless things were still acceptable. I continued to go to the meetings weekly. It was one of my only interactions with other adults and it was my lifeline. I made lots of friends there and, to this day, I think interacting with other moms is critical for this new life phase. It can be a very lonely time. Looking back, I'm almost positive that I would've gone completely crazy if I hadn't had some social interaction.
Even though I really enjoyed going, each week I was slightly disappointed with his weight gain. I tried everything the nurse and the other moms told me (cookies with milk boosting ingredients, green gatorade, herbs, pumping, extra feedings, etc.). For a long time I "triple fed," which means nurse, bottle of pumped milk, and pump. That could take 45 min+...times that by 8 feedings a day and it really adds up. Attending the group helped keep me going, but each week I felt stressed and disappointed. Others (not the other moms from the group or the nurse) tried to get me to add a bottle of formula, but I refused. Making milk is supposed to be simple: supply and demand. I knew that if I gave him formula my body wouldn't be getting the signal to make more milk. Looking back I wish I'd listened to Brandon and Mom about the formula, not because I thought I was wrong about my convictions, but mainly because it would have given me some sanity in an otherwise chaotic, trial and error lifestyle. Each week was a terrible cycle: I'd leave the meeting with a new plan and determination, all week I would try different things hoping that he would gain, but end up blinking the tears back as I looked at the scale each week. I felt like such a failure. My body was not doing what it was meant to do. I think the reason I kept it up so long is because I thought if I tried
hard enough the next week, everything would be okay.
I was desperate for John Mark to be one of those EBF babies (exclusively breast fed). On all the mommy blogs I've read, they use this term and I feel like these mommies wear the term EBF as a badge of honor. Yes, the deserve it because breast feeding is hard and selfless. My determination to be "EBF" was killing me though.
Strangers would look at John Mark in his carseat and ask me how old he was. When they heard the answer, they'd say, "Ooooh, he's so tiny!" or "Was he premature?" In the beginning, I wasn't really offended by this because I knew that breastfed babies are typically smaller. It wasn't until my pediatrician noticed his thin arms that I got really worried. Around 3 months, I had to amp up my efforts even more. I was starting to lose it. I shed many tears at the meetings. Finally (after 4 long months) the nurse suggested that I just pump/bottle instead of nurse/pump/bottle (since he clearly was not doing a good job on his own). Basically I would be doing "double" feeding instead of "triple feeding." I was energized by the new plan. I thought, "I can do this!" Hmmmm....
Someone told me that if I was going to EP (exclusively pump...you have no idea how many baby related abbreviations there are in the breastfeeding world), I needed to go on a pumping spree...every two hours (including some at night)! Those were by far the craziest weeks of my breastfeeding experience. I even pumped in the car....while driving (with a cover of course). This was the beginning of the end for me. I'm not even going to go into the details, but EPing is not an easy decision and is the most time consuming, annoying thing I've ever done. I swore that when it was over I was going to burn my pump (free thanks to the Affordable Care Act), but instead I donated it to a family in need.
It didn't take long for me to tire of the pump and we started supplementing some. Formula is a slippery slope and once I'd agreed to start supplementing, I got a taste of what it was like to be a parent. My life before BF was really and truly all about feeding my
LO. Once I stopped, I had the time and the free space in my brain to
enjoy my
DS. I like to say that for the first 4-5 months of his life I was a milk maker only, but afterwards I finally got to be a parent. It was a loooong road and I'm glad I did it, but I've given up the guilt that comes with not being able to go the long haul. All I can say is that it wasn't for lack of trying.
I can't wait until our second (no time soon), so that I can have a do-over. Every baby is different, even when it comes to nursing. Although sometimes I joke that the next baby will get only formula and we'll do our own test to see whose IQ is higher, I'm definitely going to give it another shot.
I have debated a long time about whether to publish this blog because it seems a little depressing and hopeless and with as many new mommy friends as I know, I don't want to be discouraging. I really think it was worth the try and, had I had more milk, it's something I definitely wanted to continue. Everyone has different experiences and just because it didn't work for me (long term), doesn't mean it won't for others. I just think my story is worth telling because, for a long time, it seemed like I was only around people who were, for the majority,
successfully nursing. On one of my darker days I googled "why not formula" and I found some
very reassuring information and read one blog about how when the
mother's happiness and sanity are in peril, then it's okay to think
about formula. I just had such a hard time giving myself permission to
throw in the towel.
I really wish this blog were more eloquent, but I guess the bottom line is that motherhood is difficult and filled with confusion, worry, and disappointment. Luckily, there are tons of other emotions that help overshadow the difficult times!