Friday, September 20, 2013

Just Wait

If I ever When I used to complain about sleeping while pregnant, I'm sure more than one person who already had kids either said to me "just wait" or at least said it in their head. I mentioned in my blog about sleep that I am now one of these people...I just wants to warn all pregnant people or anyone pre-child: sleep while you can! In other words, if you think sleep is difficult now, then...."just wait." Those two words...

I've noticed that along with "time flies" and "they grow too fast," "just wait" is a recurring theme among mommies. For instance, last weekend when my friend, Tami, was lamenting over her current 17 week pregnancy woes, Kellie (new mom to 7 week old baby Nathan) and I exchanged the "just wait" eyes (raised eye brows over wide open eyes). We both looked at her and said, "just wait." Meaning 1) it is going to get so much worse the bigger you get and 2) if you think life is hard now, then...."just wait." (One day, Tami will be making the "oh-I-get-it-eyes.") 

Similarly, if I ever complain about sleep to someone with older children, they can't help but say, "just day they'll be teenagers out driving on their own and then you really won't be able to sleep." I'm sure that parents of toddlers say something like, "enjoy it while you can, once they start walking things get really hard...just wait." Because they grow so quickly and the changes come so rapidly, there's always something new around the corner.

Even though a lot of times these words are used to hint that something worse is coming, the rapid changes also mean that good is coming. Back during the newborn phase, people used to tell me that each new month would get better. "Just wait til 4 weeks...things get so much easier." "Eight weeks is when things get better." "If you can just wait til 12 weeks, life will change. Just wait." These words really give new moms hope and I know that they're right, but I just have to say that life at 7 months is way better than it ever was back when I was still referring to my baby's age in weeks! I'd say that once he could lay on his play mat and play in his exersaucer (around 4 months), things didn't just get a tiny bit easier, but also a lot more fun. If you're not there yet, just wait.

To all the moms with babies younger than John Mark who are experiencing wonderful things such as first smiles and five hours of sleep in a row, I want to tell them: If you think things are good now, just wait. Just wait til they can really smile at you. Just wait until they giggle with you. Just wait until they splash and play in the bathtub. Just wait until you get to feed them food for the first time and see the look on their face as they experience their first flavors. Just wait until they can roll over and reach for the toys they like. Just wait until they smile up at you from the crib in the morning. Just wait until they squeal with delight when they see you come in the door at daycare.

I am sure moms with babies older than John Mark want to say "just wait" to me too. Just wait until they reach for you. Just wait until they say "momma." Just wait until he can give you a kiss. Just wait until they say, "I love you." I'm sad about him getting older, but there are so many milestones I am excited to see him experience. I.Just.Can't.Wait.

Here he is enjoying a bubble bath:

Here he is in his beloved exersaucer:

One of his first tastes- prunes:

This photo is misleading. Oh how I wish he could hold is own cup/bottle!

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