Sunday, October 7, 2012

I Laughed Until I Cried...Literally

One other thing you don't know until you're pregnant is that the tears flow much more freely. Twice in the past week Brandon and I were joking about life with baby and, without warning, my laughter turned to real tears about the fears I am having about having a baby (we don't have any of the big stuff yet, we haven't started the nursery, how do we do consignment sales right, where will all the stuff go????). Poor Brandon thought I was faking him out, but before he knew it there were real sobs. In fact, I could cry right now if I wanted to. I think Brandon is now living in fear that they'll start up at any moment. They're not just scared/sad tears...they can be happy too. Yesterday I was at a baby shower and I got so excited about the baby that I kept tearing up (I held back) and at lunch today I also got so happy I teared up. Every emotion just is amplified because of the hormones I suppose. I guess Brandon better buy some tissue for me and settle in for the next 22 weeks!


  1. Hey girl! These posts make me so happy! You'll be glad you have this as a memory! I can help you with consignment sales if you have questions. I'm not a pro, but I've been going for multiple seasons as a shopper and a consignor.

    1. For some reason, I can't see who left this message. I'd love some consignment advice, but I'm afraid that the "season" is over...when will there be more?

    2. Oh, sorry! This is Michelle (Duggan Evans)! The season is pretty much over here in Montgomery, but the next season is usually in early spring. I just picked up my check and leftover clothes from one sale this morning!

    3. I'm looking forward to attempting again in the spring!
