Brandon and I keep stumbling upon new bits of knowledge that we wished we had known prior to expecting. I'm not sure if knowing all of this would have made pregnancy/getting ready for children easier or harder, but it's still strange how much you realize you don't know once you become pregnant.
1. Perhaps the most shocking is the fact that you need to be on waiting lists for preschool before you actually conceive. I think we thought this only applied in New York City where pretentious people are fighting over coveted spots to ensure that their babies are on the Ivy League track from the moment they leave the womb. All we want is someone to love and take care of our child and keep them alive - no interest in an Ivy League Track- but it turns out we should've been thinking of this a long time ago. Don't worry, we are on several waiting lists in case any of them fall through, but we really had no idea that we'd be behind at only 4 months pregnant.
2. Consignment Sales are insanity. Someone needs to write a manual for newbies like us. We've ventured to a few consignment sales recently (yes, Brandon even went to one by himself bless his heart). The first one I walked in and out of within 10 minutes. I was so completely overwhelmed and unprepared. The next one I sent Brandon in on a mission: Bobby, Bumpo, and a Bath Tub. He came out with a bath tub. Check! Today we went to our third and final one of the season (yes, consignment sales have a "season"). This was the mother load. As we walked to the door we saw people with laundry baskets and we realized that we were no match for these fanny-packing mommies (no large purses allowed - seriously). We left with a Baby Bjorn and a Bobby. I desperately want to be one of these moms who knows what they're doing, but I think I need some guidance. Maybe we will just buy the rest of our items new...I almost wish I didn't know that consignment sales existed...they made me feel more than a little inadequate.
3. Pregnancy is a time for heightened sense of smell. The worse part about that is that what accompanies this new sense is an extreme gag reflex. Everything from watching Honey Boo-Boo eat "ketchup and butter sketti" to brushing my own teeth can send my stomach into dry heaving. Also, I come in contact with many job related smells...unbrushed teeth are definitely more noticeable to me now and I can tell you what is for lunch before anyone in the building can. I smell broccoli everywhere...even when it's not broccoli day.
I am sure we have many more lessons to learn especially when the baby comes. I just find it funny that there are so many things they don't tell you in What to Expect When You're Expecting...
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