Friday, December 28, 2012

What Did You Get for Christmas?

I'm sitting in the doctor's office awaiting my 30 week check up. I heard through the walls that the girl in the room next to me is going to have her baby today. What an exciting day for her! I'm so stinkin' jealous. I thought I'd be one of those people who "looooooves being pregnant," but as it turns out, I'm way too impatient for that!

I got some great gifts this year, but I can't help but think solely of the gift I'm going to get in 10 weeks! It sounds cheesy referring to him as a "gift," but I don't really mean it in the sweet, sappy way like that (even though yes, he is a sweet blessing, yada yada)...I mean it in a "I just got the iPhone 5/iPad mini/fill in other trendy/hot gift right here" kind of way.

When we were kids at Christmas, my dad was so anxious to start playing with his gifts that he barely made it to gift #2 if gift #1 was a something other than socks. So I guess you could say that when it comes to this baby, "I'm excited as my dad on Christmas morning!"

I know there are plenty of already parents out there who are thinking "be grateful for this time while he's in your tummy because once he's out there's no going back!" I understand those sentiments to a degree, but this being my first time I'm content to think that his arrival will be nothing short of amazing and I just can't wait to meet him and (sticking with the Christmas gift analogy) see what kinds of things I can do with him once he's "opened." That way you feel when you're a kid and it's Christmas Eve has and you just can't wait to see what Santa brings has to be the only way I can describe it! Come on, March!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Very Merry (and Slightly Uncomfortable) Christmas

Ever since I was a child, I have been the queen of comfort. There is nothing worse to me than being uncomfortable. I (like most girls) hated wearing panty hose when i was a kid and nothing felt better to me than coming home from a "panty hose" event, stripping them off, and trading them for comfortable pajama pants. I suppose I got it from my father who hated ties, jackets, and let's just face it - dress clothes (or just clothes, haha) in general.

My pregnancy has been very easy so far...very slow and steady. However, starting a few weeks ago my comfort factor has decreased somewhat drastically. I might be the most efficient person you will ever meet, so slowing down to properly get out bed or off the couch hasn't exactly been easy. I suppose no one tells you it's just flat out uncomfortable sometimes (especially after a big all these Christmas feasts!). Like I said in my last post, I know this time is teaching me that it's ok to go slow, have dishes in the sink, unwashed clothes piled up in the closet, and a longer than normal list of things on my to do list. I guess it's just a hard lesson for me to learn, so it's a good thing I have 10 weeks left to master it (73 days!).

Back pain, that squished feeling especially after eating, and a general slowness aren't the only things keeping me from going full force...I've always had a small bladder (needing to go frequently on road trips, etc.), but now things are at a new level. I've always known that this was a side effect of pregnancy, but I didn't know it could mean going 4 times in a 2 hour movie...yes, four times! I think the main reason this happens is so that pregnant women won't get used to sitting still too long...something sure to be true especially after baby arrives!

Those who know me well know how annoyingly positive I can be, but I'm not sure where all my positivity has escaped to right now. From now on, I'm making a vow to not be negative anymore. I always fuss at people when they're negative, but it's been a while since I've identified with those pesky negative thoughts that are hard to chase away. So do me a favor, if I complain to you tell me to replace that thought with two more positive ones! When I tried googling "ways to get comfortable during pregnancy" I found that the bottom line was there is really nothing you can do, but it will all be worth it in the end!

In my list of grievances, I forgot to mention that I've had one good side effect: strong, consistent moving. What's crazy now is that it's not just little kicks or momentary swooshes of movement. Now I cam feel his head, arms, and legs moving simultaneously. It's definitely obvious that there is a full baby in there. It is an amazing feeling! I have NO idea how anyone ends up on that I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant show (especially if they make it this far into their pregnancy).

Other than adjusting to this new way of life, this Christmas break has been wonderful so far. Lots of time to relax and hang out with the family. It's also been our (Brandon and my) first Christmas Day together ever. That's right, in five years we haven't managed to swing it, but we finally did this year! We enjoyed it very much ;)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Who doesn't love Christmas time? It's just a magical time of year. When I was younger, to say I loved this time of year is an understatement. My sister and I mourned the loss of Santa for a long time - even though we (embarrassingly) continued to receive "Santa" further into our twenties than we would like to admit. I have enjoyed Christmas even after the magic of Santa was long gone, but there has been something missing. We don't have any other youngsters in our family so once we grew up, the excitement that accompanies children at Christmas has ceased to be a part of our Christmas world.

Now with a baby on the way, I'm realizing that the really exciting Christmases are just around the corner. Plenty of grown ups love Christmas, but no one loves Christmas like children. I remember the excitement being unbearable sometimes and I can't wait to be a parent during this time of year!

You'd think from reading this that I would really be soaking up this Christmas-y stuff right now, but actually I'm not. In fact, we just now got our tree up and I have no plans to decorate any further. Buying presents and decorating just seem secondary to the really important stuff I wish I was doing now like decorating the nursery. It's like I have tunnel vision and the only thing I can think about is getting prepared (nesting is no joke). Once I go back to work after Christmas, I'll only have about 8 weeks left. I'm sure we have more than enough time to get ready, but I am now very thankful for the 40 weeks that pregnancy provides you to prepare. We certainly wouldn't be able to get by with anything less. I also now know why people say to do the most work in the 2nd trimester - how true! By now, I am tiring out more quickly, but more importantly I just feel like my stomach is in the way and it can make what should be easy tasks slightly more challenging. All that being said, I am thankful that Brandon and I have one last Christmas together pre-parenthood. We'll take it easy and relax as much as we's our last chance for at least 18 more years!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How are you feeling? Part 2 & Nursery Update

So a while back I had a post entitled "How are you feeling?" At that point, I was feeling somewhat guilty that so many people were asking me how I was feeling when I actually felt quite normal. Well....that was a few weeks ago. As of Friday, things became considerably different. It's like I became "officially" pregnant overnight. Friday night I had a terrible time sleeping. Until then, I'd been able to make a modified stomach position work for me. However, Friday night I think I squished all my organs by trying to make this work one more night. It's literally like I'm sleeping with a basketball strapped to my stomach. I woke up Saturday morning feeling quite crammed and uncomfortable. I thought maybe it was just my sleep position the night before, but it's still going on today so I think it's safe to say that the crammed feeling I'm feeling is just that...where oh where will my organs go?? So Saturday night we went on a quest for "The Snoogle." This pregnancy pillow is just what I needed and last night's sleep went much better. P.S. Brandon & Sam also enjoy the Snoogle:

Aside from sleep troubles and running out of space for organs, I think that mobility (I fell out of my desk chair at work trying to reach a piece of paper in the floor), hormones (I've cried three times today already), and pregnancy brain (last week I bought groceries, forgot about them, and my ice cream melted) are my other main issues (aside from the significant increase in bathroom breaks).

I really am not complaining...I'm actually quite grateful for these symptoms. They're a reminder that I am blessed enough to be sharing my body with another life. They not only give me comfort that everything is going right, but I also think they're preparing me for motherhood. I typically live my life in a fast, efficient pace. Pregnancy has caused me to slow down a little bit, think longer about things, and take more care. It's crazy how nature prepares us for motherhood: losing sleep & abundant bathroom breaks will prepare me for the long nights ahead, adjusting to being forgetful (typically not my personality at all) will help me prepare for being more forgiving with myself, and loss of mobility will help me to prepare for the first few years of life where he'll be attached to me in some way (whether it be in a Baby Bjorn or just on my hip). I may not be my old self anymore, but I'm just going to settle in and try to enjoy the upcoming 3rd trimester. 

One thing we will definitely enjoy in the 3rd trimester is putting together the rest of the nursery. Here is the newest stage:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

100 Days Left!

So from today until his due date March 8th we have exactly 100 days! I've been waiting for this benchmark for a while now. It seems that all of pregnancy is a waiting game. First, I couldn't wait to find out if it was a boy or girl, then I couldn't wait until I started feeling flutters. Next, I couldn't wait to start showing, and then I couldn't wait to feel kicking. Now, I can't wait until the kicks get strong enough to feel from the outside. Just one benchmark after another and nothing ever seems to satisfy...I just keep looking forward. I know I should enjoy this time because once he comes things will never go back to normal, but it's so hard because we just can't wait to meet him!

As far as showing and kicking go, things are in full swing. I remember when I used to think I was "showing," but I think it was all in my head. I would wear maternity clothes anyway, but I used to still be able to look decent in something non-maternity. The irony of being pregnant is that you want to show so badly so you can tell strangers about your pregnancy, but then when it finally comes, you decide to try on something non-maternity and realize just how much you've been kidding yourself. Except for oversized sweaters and cardigans, I pretty much need something full coverage to make this bump look good. However, it's all fun and games....until I try to "hop" off the couch quickly and then I realize that this bump comes at a price, haha!

Kicking is the same...I used to think I felt kicks all the time, but looking back I'm not sure if they could really be classified as such. Now, the kicks are strong and relentless. Sometimes I just sit and laugh because it's so weird that I am not alone in my own body. I know I will miss them when they are gone. However, just like with wanting to show, once it starts there is no going back...not that I want him to stop kicking, but the frequent bathroom visits are getting old and I'm only in the end of the second trimester.

Here's a look at how he's gotten bigger at weeks 12, 16, 20, and 24:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

So I haven't been doing my 30 things in 30 days, but there's a lot I'm thankful for. I'll go ahead and list those things all at once instead of spreading them out on facebook. They are in no particular order...
  1. Our home - I love it even more now that we've started to reevaluate, clean out, and make room for baby. I'm so thankful that at the end of a work day I have a place to go that is ours.
  2. & 3. Our neighbors - It's wonderful to have my sister and her fiance right next door. I dread the day when we are no longer neighbors. It's so nice to have her so close - not just so I can borrow milk and such, but it's nice just to be able to walk right next door and hang out with one of my best friends at a moment's notice.
  3. I'm so glad Kara found someone to share her life with. Yes, that's great for her, but (selfishly) it's also great for me and Brandon. Brandon and I were worried while Kara was dating (not only does Kara have to spend her life with whomever she marries, but so do we, haha), but we know she made a great choice and we are happy that we are going to have an awesome brother in law.
  4. Sam - Sam loves me unconditionally. I can't imagine life without him (although I'm sure our cat can).
  5. Jack - Jack's love isn't nearly as unconditional. He is annoying and badly behaved. Still, he is a great cuddler!
  6. My mother - She gave me life and she raised me well. Nothing I can say in this blog can really explain why I'm thankful for her with just a few words, but I will say that I am thankful for how she has been there through every phase in my life. I look forward to seeing her in her new role as John Mark's Mimi.
  7. Teaching - I have always been thankful that I have known just the right thing to do with my life. Teaching fits me perfectly.
  8. My Employers - My bosses at school are one of a kind - they're very special and I can't imagine working for anyone else. Being treated well by my employers is something I don't take for granted.
  9. Coworkers I love - My job wouldn't be nearly as special if I didn't have 9 wonderful team members who I see almost more than my non-work friends (or even Brandon on some days). We have a common bond in teaching, but it stretches outside of work too.
  10. Our wedding - This year we have been blessed in many ways. I am so thankful that one of the biggest days in our life went off without a hitch (well without any major ones anyway). We are thankful for our travel agent, wedding planner, and photographer who made it so easy and enjoyable!
  11. Facebook -Without it, having Tami & Mom (and many, many others) so far away would be so much harder!
  12. Apta 32 (girlfriends/roommates from college) -  Somewhere along the way it was determined that we would be the group that stuck together (it was probably at our first New Year's Eve party). I can't say (and I bet they'd agree) that has always been easy to stay close - we've all gone through different phases and things continue to change. However there's one thing that won't change and that is our history together. Only these 4 girls can reminisce about the same things as I can for the past 8+ years. Life wouldn't be nearly as fun without them :)
  13. 13's husbands - When I think back on our friendship in the beginning and all of our "romantic" drama and adventures it makes me so happy to see how we have all met our perfect matches. I am thankful for how happy my friends' husbands make them and how we've all come together to make a little hodgepodge family.
  14. Brandon - I don't have enough space to list all the things I love about Brandon, but I am incredibly grateful for his presence in my life. I am so thankful I found my perfect match.
  15. My son - Even though his presence has increased my bathroom visits, I am definitely thankful for all the little kicks and punches that remind me he is there.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wanted: Flexible Baby

So a while back I temporarily got hooked on a show called Pregnant in Heels about a maternity concierge in New York City. The only episode that stands out in my mind is about a couple, who at the time, I thought was completely crazy. They wanted Rosie Pope's help in making sure they had a "flexible" baby. No, not flexible like a gymnast, but flexible as in a baby that is "up for anything" and that will "go with the flow." Basically the couple wants to make as few adjustments as possible for life with baby (they want to have their baby and keep their social life too). In the episode the maternity concierge takes them to a vineyard with a training baby that cries just like a real one would when hungry, wet, or just because. The trip is a nightmare and, of course, the couple realizes that life with babies is unpredictable and that the best you can do is adjust to the baby and take your cues from its patterns and plan accordingly. Life doesn't stop, but it changes - drastically.

Remember how I said I used to think the couple was crazy? Well, the reality of having a baby on the way can sometimes lead Brandon and I into a world of denial. I started to think maybe they're not so crazy after all...I have started to think if anyone can have a flexible baby it's Brandon and me, right? While reading my most recent baby prep book, Babyproofing Your Marriage, I kept reading about how busy and tiring parenting will be, but it never really does explain exactly what you'll be doing that has you so busy and tired. When I was telling Brandon about the book he kept saying things like "What is going to be so hard?" and "What exactly will you be doing while off for 5 months?" You think I'd know what to say back to him, but when I said changing diapers and feeding him it even sounded weird to me - could that possibly keep me busy for 24 hours a day? "Maybe it won't be that bad after all," I'd think. I guess I know deep down that we are wrong and that we must be missing something, but when you haven't done it yet it's hard to imagine what is going to keep you so busy. And here's what else we keep thinking: "I'm pretty organized...maybe it won't be that bad for ME (for them - yes, for me - no)."

So there are two things keeping us living in a fantasy world - the ideas that 1) Maybe it's not as bad as everyone says (hopefully they're all just exaggerating) and 2) Maybe if it really is that bad, it won't be that bad for us because we will find a way to master and overcome it like no one has before. Yes, as I type this I realize how crazy this sounds (especially to people who are already parents), but I think we have to tell ourselves these things in order to calm us down and give us hope (even though we know we are wrong).

At the end of the Pregnancy in Heels show she always tries to give the couple a new perspective that will help them with whatever it is their wants and fears are. The couple goes to the park with another couple and their children. The couple with children talks about how their life changed, but assures them that life doesn't stop, but that actually gets better. Though we can't imagine how life watching only kid movies, not being able to nap uninterrupted as you please, and spending our money on daycare (rather than fishing kayaks) could be defined as better, we have to have faith that all the parents who have gone before us are right. It will all be worth it in the end and, at some point, we won't be able to imagine life before John Mark!

P.S. There's no need to send me messages telling me about the realities of parenting...we are doing a lot of reading and trying to prepare. I think the bottom line is that we won't "get it" until he arrives! Just let us enjoy this last little bit of denial :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

How Are You Feeling?

I saw a comic that showed a well-rested, fresh, happy pregnant mother with everyone doting on her and right next to it there was a picture of a tired, frazzled mother with everyone ignoring her and doting on the baby. Right now I'm definitely in the doted on phase, so I guess I should enjoy it before it's gone. My students are always worried  about me (although I did hear one child say under his breath: "Mrs. Jones sure is forgetting a lot of things."), and all my coworkers and parents of students are always asking me how I feel. How do I feel? Aside from some minor backaches in the afternoon, I feel great. It's a strange thing to have people always asking you how you feel especially when you feel fine, but I know that before I was pregnant I always asked other pregnant women how they were feeling. I don't know if I'm lucky or it's just that I'm in the second trimester. If you have a pregnant friend, be sure to dote on them the most in the first trimester - this is a piece of cake compared to my weeks 2-11! I'm sure all those veteran mothers are thinking, "Just wait 'til you hit the third trimester!" so I guess I'll just be thankful for my great condition right now and hope for the best.

John Mark is kicking a lot...especially when I first wake up and when I go to bed. The kicking is strong and frequent (of course I've worried about ADHD -since I'm a teacher, I can't help it haha). It's not strong not enough for Brandon to feel yet. He will be kicking up a storm, but as soon as Brandon's hand is on my belly, it stops. Very frustrating! I'm sure it will happen soon enough. I just can't wait until someone other than me feels it. If Brandon doesn't feel it for real soon, I think he'll start "faking it" since I get so annoyed when he can't feel!

Overall, at 23 weeks, I'm feeling great. It's hard to believe that in 4 weeks I'll be in my third trimester. When you think of life in weeks, it sure does go fast! Here is my 23 week "bump":

Saturday, November 3, 2012

An Exciting Time to Be a "Werner Woman"

Kara and I sure adored our Uncle Don when we were kids, and when John proposed to Kara John Mark gained an uncle - one that he is sure to love as much as we do our uncle.

Extended family is definitely a special thing...of course John Mark will love me and Brandon, but it will be a different kind of love that he has for his Auntie Kara and Uncle John. They'll get to spoil him and play with him and do "cool" Aunt & Uncle things!

To commemorate his birthday here are some pics of us with our Uncle Don!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We Made a Person!

Back before we were engaged, I wanted to be engaged SO bad! I was so desperate to have that ring and start planning a wedding. However, the moment he slipped it on my finger things began to change. I realized just how real everything was becoming and that we now actually had to plan a real wedding. I was no longer in the daydream-y place, but in reality. There were things to do, money to be saved, and decisions to be made! We were no longer in Pinterest world where you create your dream wedding through photos...we actually had to make real decisions (exciting, but scary). Getting pregnant was a similar experience. Of course I wanted a baby before we were pregnant, but wanting a baby (the cute kind you see in commercials) and actually being pregnant are two different things. I'm sure Brandon would say the same. In fact, the cashier who rung up the pregnancy tests for Brandon that day can confirm that wanting a baby "one day" and actually being pregnant give rise to entirely different emotions...especially in men.

I imagine that a lot of couples experience the same shock as we did when they look down and see a positive pregnancy test. The thoughts that occupy your mind from that point on are so drastically different than the ones before it. However, out of all the baby things that occupy my mind, the miraculousness of all of this is definitely a dominant and recurring thought in my mind. I think that, especially because we didn't plan this, the process of how this all occurs is even more mind boggling (get your mind out of the gutter...instead, think opening credits of Look Who's Talking). It's so amazing how the universe brought part of me and part of Brandon together to make the exact baby we have growing inside. It's hard to imagine that at one point he was a tiny cell (that I didn't even know about until 7 weeks in) and that one day he will be big enough to walk and talk!

I love Brandon very much and of course I wanted to be with him forever or I wouldn't have married him. However, I have to say that the future was never as clear then as it is now. We are going to be connected for life because we have come together to create this amazing thing...we made a person! When you're not pregnant this seems so simple and ordinary (you're probably thinking "duh!"), but when it actually happens, it's an even weirder experience. The universe meant for US to come together and create this unique soul...something that is 50% him and 50% me. If you think you're connected and committed to your spouse now, just wait until you're pregnant! There's nothing like it.

These are the actual pregnancy tests that told us John Mark was on the way. The top one is the one I took first. I remember it so vividly. As you can see the horizontal line (the one that is there whether you're pregnant or not) is not showing up very well. This made it harder for my brain to fully comprehend the results even with a simple key. Of course, the other two that Brandon made me take confirmed everything.

I just can't wait to meet him. What will he look like? What will his personality be like? How will he be like Brandon? How will he be like me? I see third graders every day and I try to picture our little boy as a third grader. I know this will come sooner than I'd like, but right now it seems insanely far off. I can't wait to get to meet him and get to know him!

Keeping Up with the...Kardashians?

Ever since Irene slapped Stephen on Real World Seattle, I've had a thing for reality TV. I particularly love watching the Kardashians. I realize that they're famous for pretty much nothing, but I still love to watch. When I was watching today I was trying to put my finger on why I liked it so much and then I realized why. I love watching them spend so much time together. It's strange that they are my age and they still get to spend so much time with their family.

Most families, especially when they get to my age, don't have as many opportunities to vacation together, eat dinner together, and just "hang out" together. Even though there are events when we do get to get together as a family, the Kardashians are fortunate to have so much casual down time together.

I hope that the birth of John Mark brings even more time for my family to get together for birthdays, school plays, and for no reason at all!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nesting: Round Two ("Faded Ink" It Is)

So in one of my baby books it has a list of things to do each month of pregnancy. Before we left on our "Babymoon," I felt a little slammed all of a sudden. The list items went from simple like "schedule a prental checkup" to serious like "register for baby" and "start thinking about the nursery set up." Well everyone knows I love a to do list so this month we have tackled making room for baby (clearing out the old guest room to be the baby's room) and, as of today, paint the nursery.

Last night we headed to Home Depot to pick out colors. Martha Stuart offers up a nice selection and we took 2 samples home. This morning we were still unsettled so we went back and painted 3 more different color swatches on the wall. After some serious deliberation (and consultation from Aunt Kara) we decided on "Faded Ink." I can't believe that in a few short hours we are finished with the next big step. We have already chosen furniture and will be picking it up later this won't be long before things start coming together! Here's a sneak peak of Baby J's room:

P.S. John Mark is pretty much kicking all the time now. If I were on the show, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" I would chalk these subtle movements up to digestion or tummy troubles, but I'm pretty sure there's more than a big lunch in there :)

Here's the second one from this week:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Labor is (Supposedly) Like a Box of Chocolates

When I first found out we were expecting I signed up for all kinds of newsletters and bought several apps. I usually look forward to reading the little tidbits these emails and daily updates can offer. It's a nice way to soak in all the information there is to read on the subject without having to read an entire book (well, I've done that too, but that's beside the point). Anyway, I opened up the email entitled "Labor is like a box of chocolates" and started to read, but I immediately wished I hadn't. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or to cry when I read descriptions (taken from actual mothers) like, "It was like being slammed in the uterus with a sledgehammer while simultaneously being squeezed by a powerful vise," and "It was like someone took a serrated knife and stabbed me in the top of my stomach slowly, slowly sawed downward to my pubic bone, and then stopped for a few minutes and started all over again." I realize that this brutal honesty is supposed to be helpful for expecting women, but it sounded more like descriptions from the victims in the Saw movies than actual labor patients. Well, they say that if people remembered how bad labor was then they'd never have another...I hope this turns out to be true! If labor is like a box of chocolates then I hope mine is like one of those yummy caramels that everyone wants instead of those orange-y nougat ones that everyone barely bites before putting back.

Here is my 21 week photo:

Monday, October 22, 2012

What's in your "Nothing Box?"

So Brandon and I have been attending a class called, "Together for Life." It's for newlyweds and engaged couples. We often joke how we're a little advanced because we're already expecting (but I'm pretty sure that's not what the church would consider "advanced"). The class has been incredibly eye opening and wonderful for our marriage. We have learned a lot about each other and especially about the differences in males and females and how they live life, communicate, and operate in general.

One week we talked about the male "Nothing Box" and how men have the ability to zone out and go to their "Nothing Box." This is similar to how a computer can go into "sleep mode" - the computer is not technically off, but you have to wake it up if you want to get it to do anything. Women typically cannot go to a nothing box...our brains are running non-stop. I am no exception to this and, in fact, I'm probably an extreme example of someone who never goes to their "Nothing Box." If I am watching T.V. on the couch, taking a hot bath, or even lying in bed, I am either mentally lesson planning, reorganizing a cluttered space in my house, rearranging furniture, or coming up with a to do list of what I will do next time I stand up. Being pregnant has only exacerbated this problem - I even fussed and Mom & Kara during our attic clean out because they were stopping too much to reminisce! Little could spark my interest let alone bring a tear to my eye while I was making room for baby this weekend.

Lately, if I'm not physically nesting, I am mentally nesting and planning out my next move. I've read a lot about how this is normal, but please someone tell me how to tell to turn this off! I'd like to enjoy a little "nothing box" time before the baby comes and I have to put it off for 18 years :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Nesting: Round One

Caldwell Mill, Sunny Meadows, Longleaf Lane, Magnolia Place, Hixson, Signal Mountain, Ashley Mills, Brook Highland...In my lifetime, my family has lived in EIGHT different homes. I distinctly remember being reluctantly recruited to be a part of the clean up, organize, pack, sort, move, and sell projects. I remember countless garage sales and even more trips to Goodwill and Hannah Home pick ups. Even still, we ended up with our last house being full from top to bottom. We had a garage that was the entire width of the house and it was just jam packed. When mom moved to Louisiana back in 2009, I moved into a town home in Hoover while Kara lived in an apartment in Chattanooga. We pretty much had to split everything between my town home (which thankfully had a full sized walk in attic) and my mom's new home. Again, a whole 'nother round of Goodwill, Hannah Home, and (this time) Craig's List sales when it was time to clear out our Brook Highland Home.

Since living in my house in Hoover, I recall at least 3 good clean outs and reorganizations. With Brandon moving in, Kara moving in (then out), and mom still transitioning to LA, I've become more acquainted with my attic than I'd ever hoped to be. Even with all those clean outs and rearrangements we still managed to be left with an attic full of stuff and three large walk in closets also jam packed. It may sound like I am complaining, but I feel so blessed to have a house full of furniture and family memorabilia. Having said that, I always assumed it wouldn't be long before Brandon and I moved on and had more room to spread out, but with an unexpected baby on the way our plans have changed somewhat. I really am at peace staying in this home (see my "Boxcar Children" post), but I knew that if we were going to have a baby we'd have to cut back...way back! No more storing all the family toys and nostalgia...

I knew that this visit with mom would be our last chance to have the three of us together (other than Thanksgiving and Christmas) to again sort and split to clear out the room we will make a nursery. This morning I really don't think any of us were up to it, but we headed up the stairs and.....3.5 hours later IT IS ALL DONE! We are sending our childhood toys with mom so that John Mark (and future grandchildren) will have toys to play with at MiMi's, Kara finally has all of her stuff all in one place (conveniently one door down from our townhouse), and we consolidated the guest rooms to make room for the nursery. Two "helpers" from Lorna Road - $30...Breakfast for fuel - $15 ...Peace of Mind & Feng Shui Happiness - Priceless!

It was bittersweet sorting through our family memories and thinking about those who will never meet John Mark (like my father and my mother's mother, "MiMi"), but it made me happy to think back on what a full life we have had as a family and how we now have the chance to provide the same kind of rich, happy life for our children. One day I suppose our children be going through an attic finding treasures and thinking back on their life thus far and how strange it is to be venturing out into this next chapter of life as the "grown up."

Friday, October 19, 2012

We're Halfway There

So yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound. Me and my posse (Brandon, Mom, and Kara) showed up and enjoyed watching John Mark on screen for about 20 minutes. Luckily we got a DVD of the pictures and a few videos. Click play on the screen above to watch. When I watch all I can think of is 1) How neat it is to see him (yes, it's officially a HIM) and 2) How bored he looks. Of course he's not bored, but he sure looks bored to me.

It's weird to say "WE're halfway there." Ever since my body started to change and I became aware that there was something in there I've been thinking about how strange it is that a man's body doesn't change at all (except maybe for some sympathy pounds). Their physical responsibility doesn't last much past conception. I know that if Brandon told it, he would disagree. Yes, there are other less mandatory demands such as picking up my 50 pound luggage throughout our trip and dealing with my mood swings. When I'm having a bout of pregnancy symptoms Brandon affectionately refers to me as "Pregger." You'd think this would be offensive, but anything to make me feel like my symptoms are normal gives me comfort.

My students seem to be as astounded by the fact that there's a real baby in my stomach as I am. I showed them an ultrasound picture this morning and throughout the day they'd make random comments like "Is the baby in there right now?" and "When will it come out?" There haven't been any questions that border on inappropriate, but I am curious about what, if anything, they are thinking about how the baby got there and how exactly it will get out. Embarrassingly enough I don't think I fully realized all the technicalities until much later than is normal (I'm pretty sure Kara was the one who brought it to my attention), but I never knew anyone pregnant so it took a while to get my wheels to start turning. I wonder if their lines of questioning will get more profound as my stomach continues to get bigger.

I love looking at other people's pictures on facebook. I have always loved seeing people's cute baby bumps, and I hate it when people don't let me be a voyeur and limit their facebook photos (especially their baby bump pics). I've been taking photos of myself since about 12 weeks, but none have been facebook worthy. I guess when you're pregnant you don't feel very cute. That being said, here's my first share-worthy photo at 20 weeks:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bumps, Birthdays, and Bahamas

So we are enjoying our baby moon and celebrating Brandon's thirtieth birthday. I was born August 7 and Brandon was born October 14 so for about 2 months I am "older" than him. As I said on facebook, I'm glad to no longer be a woman in her thirties married to a man in his twenties, haha.

Speaking of birthdays, it's weird that our child's birthday could potentially be March 8. It's just weird to think of it as a "birthday." One of my teacher friends was once baffled by one of her students while doing biography research. He said, "Teacher, I've looked everywhere in this book and I can't find Thomas Jefferson's birthday. The book only tells the day he was born, not his birthday." When she explained, he looked at her mystified and said, "You mean December 12 is not just my's the day I was born?!" Now that I think about it, it's a funny misconception that I bet more than one kid has. I'll have to make sure to explain this to our son one day so his teacher isn't the one who has to break the news.

At almost 20 weeks, my bump is expanding. It may not be obvious to everyone else, but I know it...I can tell because I can no longer wear regular jeans, sleep on my stomach comfortably, and, as I recently discovered, lay on my stomach while sunbathing. I guess I'll have to settle for a front tan while in here in the Bahamas.

It's nice to see that I'm not the only one pregnant at the beach. The worst part about it is not being able to take advantage of the "all inclusive" amenities of the resort. Ordering "something fruity, but non-alcoholic" is getting a tad bit old. I'm not much of a drinker anyway, but I feel like telling people "I'm not a prude (or hungover), I'm just pregnant." I also feel like telling this to waiters when I ask annoying questions about pasteurized cheese, well cooked meat, and eggs. I just really want the chef to know that I'm not an obnoxious patron trying to ruin his culinary creation, again, I'm just pregnant. I know I can be high maintenance even not knocked up, but I want people to know I'm typically not this annoying (right?).

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back when I was pregnant with you...

If your mother is anything like my mother, she frequently refers to your (or your siblings') birth as a point of reference. When she is recalling a milestone, it goes like this: "Back when I was pregnant with you..." or "When you were just a baby..." or "Before we even had your sister..." or "Before you were born...". It's kind of crazy to me that the things that are happening in our lives right now we will eventually retell to our children using their births as our frame of references (picture those 2 kids sitting on the sofa on How I Met Your Mother).

We are about to go on our "babymoon" to the Bahamas (a free trip courtesy of Sandals because of a mistake back on our honeymoon). I can picture that in 10-20 years we will show our children pictures of us on this trip and while they're thinking "It's weird that our parents were ever young," we will be saying something like, "Back when we were pregnant with you..."

The other day someone was telling me about something that happened to them B.C. (aka "Before Children"). I know that the next 18+ years of our lives will be wonderful and happy, although different than the last 30. I feel like crying happy/sad tears like Rachel & Monica on Friends (when Rachel had to move out): It really is the end of an era!

In honor of B.C. days, here are some pictures of my parents before kids!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I Laughed Until I Cried...Literally

One other thing you don't know until you're pregnant is that the tears flow much more freely. Twice in the past week Brandon and I were joking about life with baby and, without warning, my laughter turned to real tears about the fears I am having about having a baby (we don't have any of the big stuff yet, we haven't started the nursery, how do we do consignment sales right, where will all the stuff go????). Poor Brandon thought I was faking him out, but before he knew it there were real sobs. In fact, I could cry right now if I wanted to. I think Brandon is now living in fear that they'll start up at any moment. They're not just scared/sad tears...they can be happy too. Yesterday I was at a baby shower and I got so excited about the baby that I kept tearing up (I held back) and at lunch today I also got so happy I teared up. Every emotion just is amplified because of the hormones I suppose. I guess Brandon better buy some tissue for me and settle in for the next 22 weeks!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Things You Don't Know Til You're Pregger

Brandon and I keep stumbling upon new bits of knowledge that we wished we had known prior to expecting. I'm not sure if knowing all of this would have made pregnancy/getting ready for children easier or harder, but it's still strange how much you realize you don't know once you become pregnant.

1. Perhaps the most shocking is the fact that you need to be on waiting lists for preschool before you actually conceive. I think we thought this only applied in New York City where pretentious people are fighting over coveted spots to ensure that their babies are on the Ivy League track from the moment they leave the womb. All we want is someone to love and take care of our child and keep them alive - no interest in an Ivy League Track- but it turns out we should've been thinking of this a long time ago. Don't worry, we are on several waiting lists in case any of them fall through, but we really had no idea that we'd be behind at only 4 months pregnant.

2. Consignment Sales are insanity. Someone needs to write a manual for newbies like us. We've ventured to a few consignment sales recently (yes, Brandon even went to one by himself bless his heart). The first one I walked in and out of within 10 minutes. I was so completely overwhelmed and unprepared. The next one I sent Brandon in on a mission: Bobby, Bumpo, and a Bath Tub. He came out with a bath tub. Check! Today we went to our third and final one of the season (yes, consignment sales have a "season"). This was the mother load. As we walked to the door we saw people with laundry baskets and we realized that we were no match for these fanny-packing mommies (no large purses allowed - seriously). We left with a Baby Bjorn and a Bobby. I desperately want to be one of these moms who knows what they're doing, but I think I need some guidance. Maybe we will just buy the rest of our items new...I almost wish I didn't know that consignment sales existed...they made me feel more than a little inadequate.

3. Pregnancy is a time for heightened sense of smell. The worse part about that is that what accompanies this new sense is an extreme gag reflex. Everything from watching Honey Boo-Boo eat "ketchup and butter sketti" to brushing my own teeth can send my stomach into dry heaving. Also, I come in contact with many job related smells...unbrushed teeth are definitely more noticeable to me now and I can tell you what is for lunch before anyone in the building can. I smell broccoli everywhere...even when it's not broccoli day.

I am sure we have many more lessons to learn especially when the baby comes. I just find it funny that there are so many things they don't tell you in What to Expect When You're Expecting...

Monday, September 24, 2012

When a Door Closes

This Wednesday will be exactly 5 years since my dad passed away. His passing was terrible and tragic, but like most people who have been through tragedies know: somehow you muster the strength to go on (even though for a short while you think you can't). They say that when God closes a door he opens a window. My father's passing was definitely the shutting of a door, but luckily in February (6 months later) God opened a window and I met Brandon. Unfortunately Brandon will never know my father and I'm sure those of you who did know him would agree that Brandon definitely missed out on knowing a wonderful, unique soul.

Even though Brandon will never know him like I did, it's so amazing to me how many qualities that Brandon and my dad share. Some of those qualities are good (like his humor, handiness, and charisma) and some of them not so good (like his love for bantering with waitresses - while humorous, annoying sometimes, haha). The thing I missed most when my dad passed was that feeling of being taken care of. Brandon reminds me the most of my dad in this way. Just like dad, Brandon not only enjoys taking care of me, but he is good at it. From car maintenance to car shopping and from building things to product research, he's committed to helping me and ensuring that we make good decisions. We have been making so many decisions about our family since we found out we were expecting, and even though people know I love to be in charge and make decisions, I cherish the fact that I can rely on Brandon and I don't always have to be in charge.

There are many things that make this year's anniversary of dad's passing harder than usual, but the most prominent is the fact that he'll never get to be "Kram" (this will make you laugh if you knew him) to our little boy, John Mark. The only thing that gives me solace in this sad fact is the fact that even though he won't get to have my dad as his grandfather, he will get to have Brandon as his father. What a lucky boy John Mark is!

My dad was really funny and silly. This was great (even all our friends wished their dad was like ours), but sometimes my sister, mom and I just wanted him to chill out and be calm for just a moment. When we would complain he would say, "Would you like to have a serious dad instead?" and of course, we'd say no. Just like my dad, Brandon will give our children sense of security while also being a fun, "non-serious" dad - I know our children's friends will think Brandon is so cool! Brandon may not know it yet, but I know what a great father he will be. He has just the perfect balance of humor and fun mixed with sensibility and responsibility to give our children a life they wouldn't trade for the world. Living up to my dad's legacy (all his special and unique qualities), will be no problem for Brandon. I can't wait to see him get the chance!

My dad was great and Brandon will be too, but I also have to point out that the kind of parent you are has a lot to do with the kind of spouse you have. I can't end this blog without pointing out that my mother was the perfect balance to my father and that Kara and I needed both of them to have the kind of childhood we had. We are so incredibly lucky to have had the set of parents we were given. I cannot wait to put into practice all the things my mother taught me. Hopefully if Brandon and I can live up to my mother and father's example, then I know our children will have a memorable, special, happy childhood.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Gatorade & Kayaks

As I write, I am uploading our wedding photos to facebook (finally!). It's not lost on us how funny it is that we found out we were expecting before we even got our wedding photos back. It's very strange looking at them thinking about how that was the last photos we have of us before we were pregnant. What's even weirder is looking at our honeymoon photos - we were expecting and didn't even know it then!

Even though that wasn't too long ago, life has already started to change. First up on things to get used to: the realization that daycare for infants is going to cost us an arm and a leg (or one fishing kayak per month). Brandon has been yearning for a fishing kayak for months now. I told him today that at the price we will pay for daycare per month we could afford to buy him one fishing kayak per month! 

On another note, we have chosen a name. Brandon's first name is John and Dad's first name was Mark, so our baby will be "John Mark." My whole life I imagined having a girl first, which we would have named "Helen Claire" after my maternal grandmother. I've never even given thought to boy names (or any other girl names for that matter), so finding a name we loved posed a challenge at first. I wasn't even sure that it was "THE name" until someone at work referred to our baby as "John Mark." Hearing it like that not only made the idea of our baby more real, but it also made me realize that no other name would do. We are John Mark's surreal! I just can't wait to meet him...

Sometimes that moment seems so far away like when I think about it in days 168 to be exact. Sometimes it seems closer than I'd like; for instance, when I catch birthing scenes on T.V. or when I think about how the Gatorade in our fridge will last longer than my pregnancy (not guaranteed fresh after March 13th) and how much stuff we will need to do and buy before the Gatorade goes bad. Guess we better get on it!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

25 Weeks To Go

Brandon and I found out we were expecting at about 7 weeks along. In a way I'm so glad we didn't know until 7 weeks because most doctors won't see you until 8 weeks and you really shouldn't start spreading the news until much after that...if we had had to wait any longer to tell our close friends and family and to see it on the ultrasound screen I certainly would have exploded.

Ever since then I've looked forward to Fridays because that's when I start a new week. I wake up eager to read my Baby Bump app to see what the baby will be doing this week. I now think of everything in many weeks will I be at the Fall Carnival? Iron Bowl? Christmas? New Years...and all the other milestones that we associate with this time of year. Before I was pregnant and people would tell me how many weeks they were, I couldn't have been more clueless. I always wondered why they didn't tell me in months (something I could digest a bit faster), but now I know it's because the baby changes so much week to week that weeks are an important increment of time when it comes to pregnancy. I guess when the baby is born you still think of life in terms of weeks and then months until they're looks like it'll be a while before we start thinking about time in terms of years again!

Speaking of weeks, on Friday I will be 15 weeks (almost 4 months for those who also think in months). In case you're trying to do the math, Brandon and I were married on Friday, June 15th, 13 weeks ago. The first two weeks of the 40 week pregnancy cycle you're actually not pregnant (seriously, google it), so, yes, this is our Wedding Night Baby :) While at times we worried that it was too soon to be adding to our new family of two, we now realize it was perfect timing and it makes for a great wedding memento.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Not Cutting Any Tags Off Yet, But...

I've always imagined having a cute gender reveal party - the kind where the couple gets the ultrasound technician to write the sex of the baby and seal it in an envelope so they can take it to a bakery, have them fill it with pink or blue icing, and then find out along with their family members the gender of the baby. However, this did not happen for us. For one thing, we went to a specialist and happened to find out the gender 8 weeks earlier than most couples. We weren't sure how "sure" the doctor would be about the gender, but when he saw the ultrasound he declared he was more that 95% sure. We didn't have a party planned because we thought we'd still be guessing this early even with a good ultrasound.

Prior to the ultra sound, I was SURE it was a girl (based on strong feelings and many dreams), but Brandon was just as SURE it was a boy. When the ultrasound technician made her guess of "boy," we were overjoyed. Surprisingly I didn't react with surprise even though I had been so certain it was a girl...maybe my body knew that my brain was lying to myself about those feelings. Somehow just knowing it's gender made my connection with the thing growing inside me even stronger. I'm just glad to know what it is and to know that it is perfectly healthy. Of course, Brandon is more than glad...he's so ecstatic about producing a boy. He keeps sending me texts with pictures of things our son might need (boots, really?).

Even though we didn't get to have the gender reveal party I had imagined, it didn't take away from our joy any. Finding out (somewhat unexpectedly) with just each other in the romantically lit ultrasound room that Monday afternoon was special enough for us.

P.S. The reason I labeled this "Not cutting off any tags yet," is because there's still a 1 in 20 chance it's a fingers and toes are crossed, haha :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Boxcar Children

When I was a child, I loved The Boxcar Children book (not bookS). In the first book, the children find a deserted boxcar and make a home out of it. I was fascinated by their creativity and ingenuity. In the subsequent books they no longer lived in a boxcar hence my reasoning for only liking the first book. I also loved Hatchet and Swiss Family Robinson for the same reason: it's fun to see people change their surroundings to match their needs and literally make the most of everything they have. Now it's our turn to write our own survival tale.

I bought my house three years ago and while it has suited us pretty well so far, we have definitely been feeling cramped. Because we didn't pick this home together, it has always felt a bit temporary to us. Every closet and bit of attic/cabinet space is occupied. When I moved from my mom's large home, we kept a lot of things "just in case" we needed it later. When we found out we were expecting, my first instinct was "We can't possibly stay in this house." However, the fact that houses aren't selling combined with the fact that our monthly expresses are going to be stretched thinner with a baby, has caused me to rethink.

Now that I've gotten used to the idea, I'm actually looking forward to pulling a "Boxcar Children" and making this house work in the way we need it to. In reality the only thing we need to do to make things more comfortable is clean out. I've got to shed my hoarding ways and realize that we no longer need to keep things on the off chance that we will need them when we get a bigger house one day. I can't wait to clean out and make room for baby! There's no doubt in my mind that my dream house is right in front of me, if I will quit thinking of it as a temporary means of housing and truly embrace it for what it is :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Sound of Joy

One of the most exciting things about being pregnant is telling your friends and family. Moments after I'd taken my third pregnancy test, Brandon called my sister, Kara, on the phone and told her to come over (it didn't take her long considering there's only one wall separating us in our section of town homes). Kara came in with a look of dread thinking that we'd just had a really big fight or something. I blurted out, "We're going to have a baby," and I heard "the sound of joy."

There's a book I read to my students (The Christmas Tapestry) about two Holocaust victims that are reunited some fifty years after they both assumed their spouse had perished in a concentration camp. The moment when they're finally reunited, the author says can only be described as "the sound of joy." It's an incredibly sweet moment and my students and I are always teary eyed when we reach that page. I know that being pregnant cannot be compared to being reunited with a spouse you assumed was dead, but when I heard Kara make that sound the first thing that came to my mind was, "That is the sound of joy." It was like shrill shriek escaping from a mouth that doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry - completely uncontainable.

Today I heard that sound of joy again when I told my work colleagues (or "work family"). Instead of just blurting it out like I had to Kara, I decided to be a little more creative. I had been working on typing up some multiplication quizzes for our grade level to use and they knew I was going to "unveil" them at our summer grade level meeting. I stapled the quizzes in packets and attached a sheet to the back with a picture of the sonogram and a note that said "Baby Jones: Arriving March 2013." I explained the contents of the packet to my colleagues and as I passed them out I said, "But the most exciting part is on the last page." Before I even sat back down a sound erupted in the room that, again, can only be described as the sound of joy. Considering it was 9 people, it was a little louder than Kara's reaction...but not by much, haha.

We are still in the process of deciding how to release the news on Facebook and to our friends. I think the only thing more exciting than this will be revealing the gender (girl, of course)!

Monday, August 6, 2012

214 Days To Go

It may be a little early to be counting down the days already. I guess I'm really more interested in how many days left in the first trimester (about 3 more weeks). It's been quite an adjustment mentally and physically. I've been struggling with some sinus and stomach issues as well as being tired, but from everything I've read that's perfectly normal. I am grateful that nausea hasn't been too much of an issue. I've heard from many moms that it gets easier, so I'm ready to be a little further along!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Everything Is Unfolding As It Should

I've always been so thankful for the year I was born. Seems like a weird thing to be grateful for, but I've always been so blessed in friendships, work, and life in general and a lot of it seems to be a result of great timing. In addition to the wonderful people I've met in my life because I was in the right place at the right time, I've also had some other benefits from being born in 1982. For example, my career in particular seemed to be greatly helped by the timing of my graduation from college. I graduated at the time before it became challenging for teachers to get jobs. If I'd been born any later, a finding a job would've been a little more challenging and certainly I wouldn't have gotten my dream job at VHEW. Basically, I've always just marveled that, in my life, things just happen at the right time. It all seems so miraculous looking out on how the last (almost) 30 years of my life have played out. I might not have agreed with this whole "perfect timing notion" as much in those few years between when I'd decided that I wanted to marry Brandon and when he actually proposed, but in hindsight even that timing makes sense to me now.

For those of you who know me, I'm a planner. I've done everything in a "typical" order. I went to high school/college, got a job, got my masters, found the love of my life, bought a house, worked on my National Boards, got engaged, went back to school again, planned a wedding, got married and went on my honeymoon. Since I got my first job, there hasn't been a semester or summer when I wasn't doing something whether it be going to school at night/online or planning a wedding. I've always longed for a semester when I had nothing to do when I got home from work. However, after the "honeymoon was over" this summer I had a few days when I was left with nothing to do and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable with it, like I had nothing left to contribute, at least not until it was time to have kids. But you know the saying, "You only want what you can't have?" Once we got home and settled in after the wedding and honeymoon suddenly the urgent need to start a family didn't seem so urgent. I declared to everyone that I was now wanting to wait to try until June next year. In fact, last Sunday we went to see The Dark Knight Rises and our friends unexpectedly walked into the theater. She is expecting a baby boy in November so it's visible that she has a "bun in the oven." They ended up sitting next to us in the movies and she made the comment, "You need to get pregnant soon so we can plan some play dates." That sounded great, but, like I said, I'd very recently come to terms with the idea that waiting until next summer would be more responsible, so I responded with, "Maybe next summer, but we're just not ready right now." However, just like the timing of my engagement wasn't as timely as I had once wished for, the timing of children wasn't for me to decide either. Apparently, while my brain was worried that I was running out of things to do, my body was hard at work creating something to keep me busy... 

During the movie, I noticed that she was rubbing her baby bump and, as I'm sure it would for all girls, it got me thinking about when I would have a baby bump of my own. Even though I knew we had decided to wait, my heart overrode my brain and during the movie I succumbed to fantasies about being pregnant myself. I've always wanted to get pregnant in the summer so that the baby would be due during spring and I would take off the last bit of school and still have summer off to spend with a newborn before going back in August. During the movie, I calculated when we'd be due if we started trying now and I was pleased to realize that the timing still worked out with my spring/summer plan. Still, I knew Brandon would never consent to that..."not right now," he'd say. I reflected over some symptoms I'd been having lately: tired feeling (I just thought I was being lazy after spending so much time on vacation), relentless hunger (possible a stomach ulcer?), and some other symptoms I had just assumed were signs that I'd get that "sign" we were not pregnant very soon (somehow it hadn't occurred to me that I was already very late on getting that "sign"). When Brandon & I got in the car, I decided to tell him about these weird feelings I was all of a sudden having. I turned to him and said, "I think I caught pregnancy from our friend." He chuckled, but soon asked for more specifics and became frustrated that I could all of a sudden just think I'm pregnant out of the blue. His frustration was understandable...why hadn't I said anything til now? Well, I really didn't stop to put all the pieces together, but sitting next to her made me think about some things going on with my body since we'd returned from the honeymoon.

By the time we'd gotten home from the movies, I was convinced that I was being a bit dramatic (after all, you can't just "catch" pregnancy from your neighbor in the movie theater, right?). However, I had still decided that a test was in order. The goal? To prove I was not pregnant so we could move on with the evening. Was I successful at saving the evening? Not exactly. Immediately a vertical line appeared on the test...a line that should not be there. I rushed out to show Brandon so he could convince me I must be reading the test wrong. I kept looking at the key and then back at the results...PREGNANT. Brandon (being a typical man), did not understand that there are rarely false positives so he rushed out to CVS and proceeded to buy a variety of tests ("Be sure to get the ones with the words on it!" I called out). Sure enough, two more tests produced the same results (even the fancy, expensive one with words - "Pregnant").

Time since then has slowed down considerably. We feel unbelievably blessed since we thought conceiving would be challenging due to my one ovary and PCOS. I keep telling Brandon that I've always heard "If you wait til you're ready to have kids, then you'll never have kids." While at first this little blessing seemed like it didn't go along with our perfectly timed life plan, what we've realized in the past few days is that no matter how much we like to plan things we have a destiny that plays out in ways we can't always predict. Everything is unfolding as it should.